Brick Lane Lager
28th Jul 2018
Available in store & online:
Beer description: Our Lager is a very traditional Munich style lager; clean, well attenuated, crisp and refined. Hops are all from the Hallertau region of Germany (we use Perle and Hallertau Tradition), and the malt is all Pilsen-style pale malt. We use a yeast strain originally sourced from the Weihenstephan hefebank - the yeast bank of the oldest brewery in the world, and masters of this particular style.
The philosophy behind this beer is keeping all the elements restrained and in harmony - low noble hop flavour and aroma sitting just behind the delicate malt character. It’s a particularly difficult style to brew well, because there is no massive hop or malt character to mask any flaws.
Photo by: @bricklanebrewing