Nomad Freshie Salt & Pepper Gose This beer is the brain...
12th Oct 2016

Nomad Freshie Salt & Pepper Gose
This beer is the brain child of Leonardo and Brooks, after a few…. staring at the beautiful Ocean in Freshwater, on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, the ocean mist and its fantastic smell had to be somehow put into a beer…. Why not add sea water directly to the beer and hey isn’t salt what they add to traditional Gose in Germany??!!
A few months later here we are at Nomad adding two buckets of salt water straight from Freshie (Freshwater beach) to a Gose with a Nomad twist, and adding our new favourite pepper variety from Tasmania. The resulting beer is something along the lines of what the name suggests: salty, spicy and refreshing.
Available in store & online:
#craftbeer #nomadbrewing #gose