The latest arrival from Little Creatures is here. The Hotchkiss...
17th May 2016

The latest arrival from Little Creatures is here. The Hotchkiss Six Domestic Stout.
The Hotchkiss Six is a cheeky link back to one of the original single batch beers, The Dreadnought, named after the predominant type of battleship in the early 20th century. On the Dreadnought, there was a six calibre gun called the Hotchkiss.
Little Creatures Head Brewer, Russell Gosling describes this as: “A smooth stout, with indulgent dark chocolate qualities from caramel malt, English chocolate malt and roasted barley. Oats add to the full and rounded palate. Fruity aromas and aniseed-like spice come from late brewhouse additions of NZ Rakau and Southern Cross hops”.
You’ll find this in our July Beer Club pack:
And in store and online:
@ltcreatures #littlecreatures #craftbeer #beerclub #craftbeerdelivered #hotchkisssix #stout