The Ultimate Guide to Beer Glassware
29th Jul 2021
To truly appreciate a beer it needs to be served in the correct glass. The world of beer contains a wide range of beer glasses, all shaped and styled in different ways.
Apart from being visually appealing, the shape of the glass can affect the beer experience influencing taste, aroma and the initial pouring. The glass shape can also influence how quickly the beer warms up as well as how the head develops and is retained. Check out our range of beer glasses here.
The most common beer glasses include:
- Goblet/Chalice
- Flute Glass
- Oversized Wine Glass
- Pilsner Glass (or Pokal)
- Pint Glass (or Nonic)
- Snifter
- Stange
- Stein
- Tulip
- Wheat Beer Glass (Weizen Glass)
Goblets or Chalices are large, stemmed and bowl shaped. They only really differ in terms of glass thickness. Goblets tend to be more delicate and thin, while the Chalice is heavy and thick walled. Some Chalices are etched on the bottom to provide a carbonation point, creating and a stream of bubbles for maintaining a nice head.
The Goblet Advantage: Designed to maintain head and ideal for wide mouthed sips.
The Flute glass is the preferred serving vessel for Belgian lambics and fruit beers. They aid in displaying the lively carbonation, sparkling colour and soft lacing distinct to these beer styles. The Flute glass is similar to a champagne glass; however stems can often be shorter.
The Flute Glass Advantage: Showcases carbonation bubbles. Releases volatiles (the compounds that evaporate from beer creating its bouquet) quickly, allowing a more intense initial aroma.
An oversized wine glass is perfect for serving Belgian Ales. The size of the glass assists in the creation of the aroma.
Oversized Wine Glass Advantage: Good replacement for a Tulip or Goblet glass.
While a Pilsner glass is used to serve many types of beers it is intended for its namesake, the pilsner. A Pilsner glass is tall, slender, evenly tapered and usually has short stem at the base.
Check out our range of pilsner beer glasses.
The Pilsner Glass Advantage: Showcases colour, clarity and carbonation. Promotes head retention and enhances aroma.
The Pint glass typically holds one British pint of liquid. There are two main Pint glass types: the Conical and Dimple Mug. The Conical is nearly cylindrical, it tapers at the top to a wide mouth. The Dimple Mug Pint has a handle and is made of thick dimpled glass.
The Pint Glass Advantage: Cheap to make and easy to drink from.
Suitable for: Ales, Stouts, Porters
While typically used for brandy and cognac, the Snifter is ideal for serving strong ales. The glass has a wide bowled body and is stemmed.
The Snifter Advantage: Captures and enhances aroma.
The Stange glass is a traditional German glass meaning “stick”. The tallness and cylindrical design of the glass is used to serve more delicate beers, amplifying malt and hop nuances.
The Stange Advantage: Tighter concentration of volatiles (compounds that evaporate from beer to create its aroma)

The Beer Stein derives from the German words “Bier” (beer) and “Steinkrug” (‘stone’ + ‘crock’). Steins are traditionally made of pewter, silver, wood, porcelain, earthenware or glass. They often use a hinged lid with levered thumb lift. Today they are more commonly made of thick sturdy glass without a lid. The lid was implemented during the age of the Black Plague (14th century) to prevent diseased flies from getting into the beer.
The Stein Advantage: Large volume and easy to drink from.

The Tulip glass helps trap aroma and maintain head, creating a visual and olfactory sensation. The glass has a bulbous mid section with the top flaring out to form a lip which aids in head retention.
Check out our range of tulip beer glasses.
The Tulip Advantage: Traps and enhances volatiles, while provoking and supporting large foamy heads.
The authentic glass to serve a Weizenbier! The original German version generally holds half a litre with room for head, however there are smaller sizes available. The glass is wider at the top than at the base. This aids in the production of head as well as increasing the exposure to air when the glass is tilted backwards during drinking.
Check out our range of wheat beer glasses.
The Wheat Beer Glass Advantage: Designed to take on volume and head, while locking in aroma.
Beer Glass Cleaning Tips
- Never chill your glassware. As beer hits frosted glass condensation occurs which can dilute your beer and alter the serving temperature.
- Hand-wash all glasses. Some dishwashers will leave a residue, which may affect the head retention, as well as flavour and aroma.
- Use a mild dishwashing soap. If you are really particular, have a separate sponge for your glassware so there is no cross contamination from greasy food particles on a used sponge.
- Let the glasses air dry. Avoid hand drying with a towel as it will leave dust particles which will affect the head retention.
- If your glassware has gold/silver rims and/or printed logos hand washing will ensure these features remain in top condition for an extended period of time.