This beer is super popular at the moment and simply FRESH AS -...
24th Jan 2017

This beer is super popular at the moment and simply FRESH AS - Akasha Korben D. Double IPA.
If you’ve read Crafty Pint of late you may well have seen their article on how this release contains the freshest US hops @akashabrew could find, and how it is tasting amazing.
The Korben D. is an American-styled Double IPA saturated with our favourite hops - Mosaic, Simcoe and Centennial. Well balanced between the malt, hops and alcohol with fresh aromas of floral, citrus and pine.
Available in store & online:
PS We’re closed on Australia Day, so if you want an Aussie All Star to enjoy with your BBQ, you’ll need to get it tomorrow!
#awakenthesoul #fivedock #korbend #iipa