We've Been Voted Sydney's Best Beer Retailer - Sydney Beer Week Awards
7th Nov 2018
Every day we get to go to work with an amazing team.
Last week we won Sydney Beer Week's Best Sydney Beer Retailer award and it would not be possible without the amazing team we have.
This award is hands down a testament to the effort and dedication they each put in. They are our front line customer service, our operations and soul of the business.
Our favourite part about the award - this is voted by the Sydney beer drinking public - when they're happy then we must be doing a thing or two right!
You may note that this image is very 'male centric' - our one female staff member was away.
If you are a female that has a true passion for craft beer please get in touch as I would love to see the male:female ratio far more balanced!
BTW - checkout the awesome trophy - a two handled beer stein!