FA-18 fighter jets regularly fly over the brewery, so naturally this 18% beer is just as dangerous as them. It's a huge IIIIIPA at the extreme end of brewing intensity, flavour and bitterness.
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Sad that they borrowed the name of an aircraft I used to fly. Guess I was sucked into buying it because of that. A fizzy liquor drink that underperforms. Crash and burn.
Insanely Strong But Delicious!
Great beer right from the get go. Packs a lot of flavours in there and you can definitely feel it after a few sips. Sweet, hoppy, fruity! Party in your mouth!
Pours more like a fizzy liqueur than beer. Bright orange with a light tan, creamy head that rapidly dissipates. First sip I am blown away by the huge array of flavours hiding the massive alcohol content. there is huge malty sweetness, nicely balanced by equally huge hops bitterness, and hints of cloves and citrus. Mouthfeel is like fizzy sugar syrup. Another sip....and I discover yet more. Not something you can drink fast, or more than 1 of, but you will keep on deciphering it until the very bottom of the glass. More than a beer tasting, this is an experience.