WHEN Sat-17-Oct
WHERE Beer Cartel, 9/87 Reserve Road, Artarmon NSW 2064, Australia
WHAT TIME 12:30pm - 3:30pm
HOW MUCH Gold coin donation
Over the last few years at Beer Cartel we’ve held our fair share of FREE in store tastings. Now we are taking it to the next level. Where we’d normally get 1 brewery for a 3 hour period on a Saturday, we will now be having 12 brewers offering samples of their beers. That means about 40 beers for you to try for FREE! So come in, sample a truck load of beers from the likes of Doctors Orders, BrewCult, Pixel & Pirate Life, and have a chat about the liquid nectar we all love. While this event is FREE we do ask for a gold coin donation on the day, with all proceeds going to the charity we support – Beyond Blue.