Weihenstephan Hefe Weissbier is brewed to a classic German recipe. Naturally cloudy with a rich yeasty taste, it is a refreshing beer and is often considered the benchmark for quality cloudy wheat beers.
Rated 99 out of 100 on Ratebeer.com
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Best beer I’ve ever had.
Growing up I’ve sampled a multitude of beers. This is hands down one of the very best. Period!!!
It gave me a...
I do not understand how this beer could be ridiculously highly rated, I was really looking forward too this beer cause of the historical brewery and amazing ratings it received. I really loved learning about the beer and it's history but it was absolutely yuck and it gave me a massive headache. I will never have it again!
Light and Fruity
Since returning from Germany a few years ago I was amazed at the quality and cost of beer compared to Australia. My favourite beer is still Augustineer but it is not available in Australia. The Heffe weissbeir from Wiehenstephan is lighter than a normal wheat beer so you can enjoy it without being weighed down. Being lighter it is easy drinking in the warmer months and if you are not a fan of wheat beer give it a try. It has a great aroma and is a little sweeter than traditional wheat beer. Can't go wrong.
This is beer not coloured water
A great subtle example of this beer.
Drank Franziskaner for 30 years but this is better. Highly recommended...could be in a bar in Hamburg.
The absolutely best
Nice Weizen love the taste n flavour. Brings me back to Germany n awesome beers
A classic.
A really terrific classic Hefe. Pure and delicious.