About The Beer
Country: Germany
Brewery: Sünner
Style: Kölsch
Format: 500ml Bottle
ABV: 4.8%
Brewed in the long-brewing Sünner tradition after the German Purity Law of 1516. Spicy, aromatic taste, refreshing and wholesome.
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About The Beer
Country: Germany
Brewery: Sünner
Style: Kölsch
Format: 500ml Bottle
ABV: 4.8%
Brewed in the long-brewing Sünner tradition after the German Purity Law of 1516. Spicy, aromatic taste, refreshing and wholesome.
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Kolsch by its nature is not an 'out-there' style of beer and the Sunner is a reflection of an average Kolsch. A better Kolsch would actually be the 4 pines draught. Potentially this beer would be better drunk fresh whilst in Cologne. From the bottle, this beer lacks the freshness that you might normally associate with a Kolsch, the bitterness and mouthfeel where both adequate, but the malt profile seemed to lack it's normal importance. I'd suggest the 4 Pines Draught as a better alternative.
Another carton of Kolsch from Cologne. Great beer from a great Aussie company Beer Cartel.
As always my order of genuine Kolsch was delivered on time thanks again to Beer Cartel managing to source this hard to get beer.
I lived in Cologne in Germany for a while and if you reside in that city you would not dream of drinking any other beer than Kolsch. Sunner kolsch is an excellent example of that beer variety. The boys at Beer Cartel have once again come through and supplied me with some Sunner kolsch.
Great beer. Perfect flavour. Very drinkable. highly recommend for German beer lovers.
Sunner Kolsch is not only the oldest brewed Kolsch from Koln it remains one of the best in my opinion. Forget any Kolsch not brewed in Cologne they are just poor imitations. Always get the real thing. Thanks to Beer Cartel I am able to enjoy this hard to get beer.
Kolsch beer (from Cologne) is a fantastic brew. Sunner Kolsch is no exeption.
Without any doubt the genuine German Kolsch is the king of beers. For some reason it is very hard to source in Australia. Do not be fooled by Aussie clones they are not in the race. Thank goodness for Beer Cartel they are as far as I know the only company to import it.
Kolsch beer is the best. It is brewed only in Cologne in Germany. There are quite a few different brands,(beware of copy's) however to the best of my knowledge Sunner Kolsch is the only brand available in Australia. Even then it is hard to find. Thankfully The Beer Cartel do stock it. If you have not tried it give it a go (it is not cheap). The Beer Cartel are good guys to deal with and will always get it for you ASAP.
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